What is Tarragon, How is it used, What are its benefits?

tarragon or “Artemisia Dracunculus L.It is a perennial herb that comes from the sunflower family. It is widely used for taste, fragrance and medicinal purposes.

It is a delicious spice and is used in dishes such as fish, beef, chicken, asparagus, eggs, and soups.

Here "What is tarragon good for", "what are the benefits of tarragon", "in which dishes tarragon is used", "is tarragon harmful" The answer to your questions ...

What is Tarragon?

tarragon It has a long history of use as a spice and a natural remedy for some ailments. Asteraceae is a bushy aromatic plant of the family and the plant is believed to be native to Siberia.

Two common forms are Russian and French tarragon. French tarragonIs grown in Europe and North America. Used mainly for medical purposes Spanish tarragon also available.

Its leaves are bright green and aniseIt has a taste very similar to that. This herb contains 0,3 percent to 1,0 percent essential oil with methyl chavicol as its main ingredient.

tarragonhas been and continues to be used as food and medicine in many cultures both in the east and the west. Its fresh leaves are sometimes used in salads and brewing vinegar. 

Latin name Artemisia Dracunculus,  actually means "little dragon". This is mainly due to the thorny root structure of the plant. 

The essential oil from this plant is chemically identical to anise, which is why their flavors are so close.

The herb has been used for generations by a wide variety of peoples, from indigenous Indians to medieval doctors to treat a variety of ailments. 

It is stated that even Ancient Hippocrates was one of the simplest herbs used for illnesses. Roman soldiers, believing that they would recover from fatigue, placed the branches of the plant in their shoes before going to wars.

Tarragon Nutritional Value

Calories of tarragon and is low in carbohydrates and contains nutrients that may be beneficial for human health.

One tablespoon (2 grams) dry tarragon It has the following nutrient content:

Calories: 5

Carbs: 1 grams

Manganese: 7% of the Reference Daily Intake (RDI)

Iron: 3% of the RDI

Potassium: 2% of the RDI

Manganeseis an important nutrient that plays a role in brain health, growth, metabolism, and reducing oxidative stress in the body.

Iron is key to cell function and blood production. Iron deficiency can lead to anemia, resulting in fatigue and weakness.

Potassium is a mineral that is very important for heart, muscle and nerve function. Studies have found that it can lower blood pressure.

tarragonAlthough the amounts of these nutrients in it are not appreciable, the plant is beneficial for overall health.

What Are the Benefits of Tarragon?

Helps reduce blood sugar by increasing insulin sensitivity

Insulin is a hormone that helps bring glucose into cells so it can be used for energy.

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Factors such as nutrition and inflammation can cause insulin resistance, leading to high glucose levels.

tarragonflour has been found to improve insulin sensitivity and the way the body uses glucose.

A seven-day study in animals with diabetes tarragon extractfound that compared to a placebo, it reduced blood glucose concentrations by 20%.

Also, a 90-day, randomized study in 24 people with impaired glucose tolerance. tarragoninvestigated the effect of flour on insulin sensitivity, insulin secretion and glycemic control.

1000 mg before breakfast and dinner tarragon Those who took it experienced a massive decrease in total sugar insulin secretion, which helped stabilize their blood sugar levels throughout the day.

Improves sleep quality

Insomniacan have adverse health consequences and increase the risk of diseases such as type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

Changes in work schedules, high stress levels, or busy lifestyles can cause poor sleep quality.

Sleeping pills are used as a sleep aid, but can lead to complications such as depression.

tarragonThe Artemisia plant group, including flour, is used as a remedy for a variety of health conditions, including poor sleep.

In a study in mice, Artemisia herbs have been shown to provide a sedative effect and help regulate sleep.

Increases appetite by reducing leptin levels

It can occur for a variety of reasons, such as loss of appetite, age, depression, or chemotherapy. If left untreated, it leads to malnutrition and reduced quality of life.

ghrelin ve leptin Imbalance in hormones can also cause a decrease in appetite. These hormones are important for energy balance.

Leptin is called the satiety hormone while ghrelin is considered the hunger hormone. When ghrelin levels rise, it causes hunger. On the contrary, rising leptin levels provide a feeling of fullness.

In a study in mice tarragon extractIts role in stimulating the appetite has been examined. The results showed a decrease in insulin and leptin secretion and an increase in body weight.

These findings suggest that tarragon extract may help increase feelings of hunger. 

However, the results have only been studied in conjunction with a high-fat diet. Additional research in humans is needed to confirm these effects.

Helps relieve pain associated with conditions such as osteoarthritis

In traditional folk medicine tarragonhas been used to treat pain.

A 12-week study, one tarragon extract examined the effect of a dietary supplement called Arthrem on pain and stiffness in 42 people with osteoarthritis.

Individuals who took 150 mg of Arthrem twice daily saw significant improvement in symptoms compared to those who took the 300 mg twice daily and placebo group.

Researchers have proven that the low dose is more effective than the high dose as it is better tolerated.

Other studies in mice, Artemisia He suggested that the herb is beneficial in treating pain and can be used as an alternative to traditional pain relief.

Its antibacterial properties can prevent foodborne illness

There is a growing demand for food companies to use natural additives instead of synthetic chemicals to help preserve foods. Plant essential oils are a popular alternative.

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Food additives are added to prevent decomposition, preserve food, and inhibit foodborne disease-causing bacteria such as E.coli.

In a study tarragon essential oilabout Staphylococcus aureus ve E. coli - The effects on two bacteria that cause foodborne illness have been studied. For this research, 15 and 1.500 µg / mL were used in Iranian white cheese. tarragon essential oil has been applied.

Results, tarragon oilshowed that all samples treated with I had an antibacterial effect on two strains of bacteria compared to placebo. Researchers concluded that tarragon can be an effective preservative in foods like cheese.

Improves digestion

tarragon The oils contained in it trigger the body's natural digestive juices, making it not only a snack (which helps to ignite the appetite) but also an excellent digestive aid for digesting food properly.

It can aid the digestive process from start to finish, from the removal of saliva from the mouth to the production of gastric juices in the stomach and peristaltic movement in the intestines.

Most of this digestive skill is tarragon It is caused by their carotenoids. The Department of Food and Nutrition Science at University College Cork in Ireland studied the effects of carotenoid-containing plants on digestion.

The results showed that these herbs "contribute to the uptake of biologically accessible carotenoids", which in turn improves digestive health.

Used for toothache treatment

Throughout history, traditional herbal medicine, fresh tarragon leavesHe used flour as a home remedy for toothache relief.

It is said that the ancient Greeks chewed leaves to numb the mouth. Studies show that this pain-relieving effect is due to the high levels of eugenol, a naturally occurring anesthetic chemical found in the herb.

Used for natural toothache treatment clove oil It contains the same pain relieving eugenol.

Other Potential Health Benefits

tarragonThere are also claimed to have other health benefits of flour that have not yet been thoroughly studied.

May be beneficial for heart health

tarragon often proven to be healthy for the heart Mediterranean dietIt is used in. The health benefits of this diet are not only related to the nutrients but also to the herbs and spices used.

May reduce inflammation

Cytokines are proteins that can play a role in inflammation. In a study in mice, over 21 days tarragon extract It has been found that there is a significant decrease in cytokines after consumption.

How and Where is Tarragon Used?

tarragon Since it has a fine flavor, it can be used in a variety of dishes;

- It can be added to boiled or cooked eggs.

- The oven can be used as a side dish for chicken.

- It can be added to sauces such as pesto.

It can be added to fish such as salmon or tuna.

Mix it with olive oil and pour the mixture over roasted vegetables.

There are three different types of tarragon- French, Russian and Spanish tarragon:

- French tarragon It is the most widely known and best used variety in the kitchen.

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- Russian tarragon It is weaker in flavor compared to French tarragon. It loses its flavor quickly with moisture, so it's best to use it right away.

- Spanish tarragonn, Russian tarragonAccording to more; French tarragonIt has less flavor than. It can be used for medicinal purposes and brewed as a tea.

Apart from its use in meals as a spice, it is also used as a supplement in various forms such as capsules, powders, tinctures or tea. tarragon available.

How to Store Tarragon?

Fresh tarragon It is best stored in the refrigerator. Just wash the body in cold water, wrap loosely in a damp paper towel and store in a plastic bag. This method helps the plant retain moisture.

Fresh tarragon usually lasts four to five days in the refrigerator. Once the leaves have started to turn brown, it's time to throw away the weed.

Dry tarragoncan last up to four to six months in a cool, dark environment in an airtight container.

Tarragon Side Effects and Harm

tarragonis safe for normal food amounts. It is also considered safe for most people when taken medicinally by mouth for a short time. 

Long-term medical use is not recommended as it contains estragole, a chemical that can cause cancer. 

Despite research showing that estragole is carcinogenic in rodents, plants and essential oils that naturally contain estragole are considered "generally safe" for food use.

For pregnant women and those who are breastfeeding, medical use of this herb is not recommended. It can initiate the menstrual period and endanger the pregnancy.

In case of bleeding disorder or any other chronic health problem, consult a doctor before using it medically.

In large quantities tarragonmay slow blood clotting. If you are going to have surgery, stop taking it at least two weeks before a scheduled surgery to prevent any bleeding issues.

Containing sunflower, chamomile, ragweed, chrysanthemum and marigold Asteraceae / composita If you are sensitive to family e or have allergies, tarragon It may cause a problem for you, so it is necessary to stay away.

As a result;

tarragonis a wonderful herb that has been used for thousands of years for cooking and to cure some ailments. Its delicate and sweet flavor attracts many in the culinary arts and can add a subtle anise flavor to dishes when used fresh.

tarragonIt has powerful effects on the nervous and digestive systems and helps the body overcome issues such as toothache, digestive issues, bacterial infections, menstruation issues and insomnia.

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