What is Colloidal Silver? What are the Benefits and Harms?

Colloidal silverIt is used as an alternative treatment, especially for health problems such as sinus infections or the common cold.

Fakat use of colloidal silver controversial and can cause serious side effects.

What is colloidal silver?

Colloidal silveris the term used to describe small particles of silver suspended in a liquid.

Colloidal silver The silver particles in it vary in size. It is less than 100 nm and cannot be seen with the naked eye.

Before modern antibiotics were developed, colloidal silver, It has been used as a multi-purpose remedy for various infections and illnesses.

Lyme disease, tuberculosis It is claimed that it can even help treat diseases such as AIDS.

What are the harms of colloidal silver?

What are the effects of colloidal silver?

Colloidal silverHow it works is not exactly known. Studies indicate that they bind to proteins in the cell walls of bacteria that damage their cell membranes.

Colloidal silverThe effects of silver are thought to vary depending on the size and shape of the silver particles and their concentration in a solution.

Commercially available colloidal solutions can vary widely as they are produced, as well as the number and size of silver particles they contain.

What Are the Benefits of Colloidal Silver?

Kolloidal silverIt is claimed that it can help treat bacterial, viral and fungal infections.

What does colloidal silver do?

Antibacterial effect

  • AntibioticsBefore the discovery of colloidal silver It was used as a popular antibacterial treatment. 
  • Test tube studies colloidal silverhas shown that it can kill a wide variety of bacteria.
  • Fakat colloidal silverDue to the risks associated with taking it by mouth, its effects have not been tested in humans as an antibacterial therapy.
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Antiviral effect

  • Colloidal silverIt is stated that it may have an antiviral effect in the body.
  • Some studies suggest that different silver nanoparticles can help kill viral compounds.
  • The amount of nanoparticles in a colloid solution can vary. In one study, it was found to be effective in killing viruses even under test tube conditions. colloidal silverhas been found to be ineffective. 

Antifungal effect

  • Colloidal silverIt is stated that it can treat fungal infections. 
  • A test-tube study has shown that some types of fungi can stop their growth.

Ear infections

  • Colloidal silverIts antiviral and antibacterial properties are effective in the treatment of ear infections.

Cold and flu

  • Colloidal silverFame swine flu and is claimed to help prevent all types of flu, including the common cold.
  • A published research study showed that silver nanoparticles have anti-H1N1 influenza A virus activities, especially in the early spreading stage of the virus.

What are the benefits of colloidal silver?

What are the skin benefits of colloidal silver?

  • Colloidal silver, psoriasis ve eczema It benefits many skin problems such as 
  • It has a soothing effect on stripping and even repairing tissue damage from burns.

What are the harms of colloidal silver? 

  • We are environmentally exposed to very small amounts of silver every day. Very small amounts of silver are found in drinking water, the food source, and even the air we breathe. 
  • As a compound, silver found in the environment is considered safe.
  • However, the environmental and health risks of silver nanoparticles are not fully known. Because colloidal silverReputation is not safe to swallow.
  • Colloidal silverThe greatest risk associated with argyria is argyria. Argyria is a condition that turns the skin blue-gray due to the accumulation of silver metal particles inside the skin. 
  • Silver deposits can also form in the intestines, liver, kidneys and other organs. If you take a dietary supplement containing silver or work in a job that exposes you to large amounts of silver, you are at a high risk of developing argyria.
  • Colloidal silverApplying the product to the skin is considered less risky than ingestion.
  • Although rare, there is also a risk of a silver allergy. 
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colloidal silver properties

Should you use colloidal silver?

Colloidal silver The compositions of their products vary widely. Additionally, silver has no function in the body and no known benefit when taken orally.

Colloidal silver Using their products is probably not a healthy idea, given the risks and lack of proven benefits.

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