What Are the Benefits and Harms of Cranberry Juice?

The benefits of cranberry juice are many, from keeping the heart healthy to weight loss, preventing kidney stones, strengthening bones and teeth, and helping to get rid of colds and flu. 

benefits of cranberry juice
Benefits of cranberry juice

One of the versatile fruits cranberry It is very popular due to its unique flavor. You can find out about the benefits of cranberry juice in our article.

What are the benefits of cranberry juice?

  • Cranberry juice, which contains many beneficial nutrients such as plant nutrients, flavonoids, antioxidants, vitamins C, E and K, dietary fiber, manganese, calcium, copper, amino acids, minerals, iron and sodium, helps protect our body against diseases and increase general health. It is packed with minerals and other essential nutrients.
  • Being rich in polyphenols and flavonoids, cranberries help reduce the risk of heart disease or other cardiovascular diseases. 
  • Its regular consumption prevents plaque buildup in the arteries and also ensures regular oxygen and blood flow to the heart. Thus, it reduces the risk of heart attack or stroke.
  • Among the many benefits of cranberry juice, the most important is that it provides relief from the pain and discomfort that occurs during a urinary tract infection (UTI). 
  • UTI is a result of the presence of certain microorganisms in higher than normal amounts in the urinary tract area. 
  • On the other hand, cranberry juice helps in case of infection as it is known to be a rich source of proanthocyanidins which are believed to prevent bacteria from adhering to the bladder wall. This means that bacteria do not have enough room to multiply and cause further discomfort and are instead completely cleared from the system. 
  • Cranberries are known to make urine more acidic. Therefore, it creates an unsuitable environment for bacteria to accumulate and spread further.
  • Cranberry has anti-cancer properties. 

  • The phytochemicals found in its extracts are known to work to fight cancer cells. 
  • Compounds found in cranberries (flavonol and anthocyanin glycosides) have proven beneficial in killing cancer cells and preventing cancer. 
  • Cranberry is also known to slow the progression of different types of cancer such as liver, breast, ovary, prostate and colon.
  • Being rich in dietary fiber, cranberries help keep the stomach healthy. 
  • Regular consumption of cranberry juice helps suppress gastritis, a type of inflammation that occurs in the stomach lining. 
  • Drinking cranberry juice aids the digestive process by breaking down food and making it pass through the system more smoothly and effortlessly. 
  • Since cranberry juice is rich in antioxidants, it helps to clear harmful toxins and free radicals from the system and regulate bowel movement.
  • This fruit consists of 90% water. A small bowl of cranberries contains only 25 calories. Rich in vitamins, minerals, and other essential nutrients, cranberry juice is a healthy beverage unlike acidic beverages. 
  • Eating healthy while pregnant, both for your own health and for your baby. Along with incorporating vitamins, minerals, and nutrients into your diet, adding a glass of cranberry juice provides the necessary amount of iron, calcium, and vitamins C and E, which can help prevent eclampsia.
  • Our mouth is home to millions of bacteria that can cause tooth decay or cavities, plaque and tartar problems if not cleaned. Brushing and flossing helps to clear the infection causing bacteria from the mouth to some extent, while cranberry juice prevents teeth and gums from being affected by these problems.
  • The presence of antioxidants and polyphenols in cranberry juice helps protect our body against free radicals and harmful toxins, while fighting viruses that cause colds and flu.
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What are the harms of cranberry juice?

In addition to having many benefits, it should not be consumed excessively. 

  • If you drink sweetened cranberry juice, it can cause diarrhea, stomachache, bloating, obesity, digestive system problems and tooth decay due to its high sugar content. 
  • It is beneficial to consume more naturally unmixed. It is important not to consume more than two glasses a day. 
  • Consuming too much will cause the body to be overloaded, so it is important for health to be consumed in doses like any food. 
  • Instead of consuming cranberry juice ready, it is more beneficial to take the fruit and squeeze the juice freshly. You can mix it with different fruits while consuming it this way.

References: 1

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