What are the Benefits and Harms of Chestnut? Calories and Nutritional Value

What is it that you eat by peeling the shells from the paper bag so hot that it is hard to hold in your hand, while snowflakes are falling from above in the freezing cold weather? you know Chestnut...

One of Turkey's most popular street delicacies. on the stove popped chestnutI can't get enough of the taste. especially candied chestnut...


Did you know that this mouth-watering fruit is as nutritious and beneficial as it is delicious?

It has many benefits from improving digestion to strengthening bones. Chestnut Let us tell you what you are wondering about.

What is chestnut?

Chestnut or a Weather in Castaneais a group of shrubs belonging to the same family as oak and beech trees. Widely consumed worldwide ChestnutIt grows mostly in Marmara and Aegean regions in our country.

Nuts Although it is consumed as a vegetable, it is technically a fruit because it grows from a flowering plant.

such as Marrone, Chataigne, Hacıömer, Osmanoğlu, Hacıibiş, Sarıaşılama and Mahmutmolla. chestnut varieties the most known.

Water chestnutYou may also have heard of concepts such as horse chestnut. in their names Chestnut although these are Chestnut different unrelated species.

What vitamins are in chestnuts?

Don't mind its small size, chestnut nutritional value As a nutrient-dense food. 84 roasts, equivalent to 10 grams on average vitamins in chestnuts is as follows:

  • Calories: 206
  • Protein: 2.7 grams
  • Fat: 1.9 grams
  • Carbs: 44.5 grams
  • Fiber: 4.3 grams, 15% of the Daily Value (DV)
  • Copper: 47% of DV
  • Manganese: 43% of DV
  • Vitamin B6: 25% of the DV
  • Vitamin C: 24% of the DV
  • Thiamine: 17% of the DV
  • Folate: 15% of the DV
  • Riboflavin: 11% of the DV
  • Potassium: 11% of the DV
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Chestnutas well as vitamin K, vitamin B5 and B3 phosphorus ve magnesium It also contains many other vitamins and minerals such as

Because it is low in fat compared to many other nuts calorie of chestnut is also low. 

What are the Benefits of Chestnut?

  • Digestive benefit; Chestnut high in fiber. Lif It relieves constipation, suppresses appetite, balances blood sugar and feeds the beneficial bacteria in our intestines.
  • Antioxidant content; ChestnutIt contains a good amount of antioxidants as well as providing plenty of vitamins and minerals. Antioxidants neutralize free radicals that damage cells as well as prevent chronic diseases. 
  • Protects the heart; Chestnut It has a protective effect on the heart by containing antioxidants that protect heart health and reducing inflammation.
  • Balances blood sugar; Balanced blood sugar, especially secret sugar ve diabetesimportant for the prevention of Chestnut It is a food that balances blood sugar because it contains less carbohydrates than most nuts and is high in fiber.
  • Strengthens immunity; ChestnutVitamin C, antioxidant compounds, trace minerals such as copper, which are found in high concentrations in the skin, have an immune-enhancing effect. Especially C vitamin It not only stimulates the production of white blood cells, but also acts as an antioxidant that prevents free radicals in the body. This strengthens the immune system, making it easier to resist diseases.

  • Blood pressure; An essential mineral for blood pressure potassiumIt controls the movement of water in the body, reduces the effects of sodium and increases blood flow. Potassium not only balances blood pressure, but also strengthens cardiovascular health and reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke. Chestnut It is a good source of potassium.
  • Does chestnut run the intestines; Fiber is a substance that adds bulk to stool and prevents constipation. Chestnut Since it is a food with high fiber content, it prevents constipation by working the intestines.
  • Bone health; in chestnut situated manganeseIt is an important mineral for bone health. Its bone-building properties prevent bone loss in the elderly.
  • brain health; Chestnutalso, thiamine, Vitamin B6It is abundant in various B vitamins, such as riboflavin, riboflavin, and folate. These vitamins protect the brain from diseases such as Alzheimer's.
  • scurvy; ScurvyA disease that occurs when there is a lack of vitamin C in the body and shows symptoms such as fatigue, pain in the arms and legs, and gum disease. The only way to recover is to take vitamin C. ChestnutIt is very rich in vitamin C, therefore it prevents the development of scurvy.
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Does chestnut make you lose weight?

ChestnutA food with various properties that weaken it. Keeps you full for a long time with its high fiber content. It is also low in fat along with calories. According to the research eating chestnuts, Along with lowering cholesterol  belly fatalso reduces.

How to eat chestnuts?

ChestnutEven though the taste of the food comes out by being exploded on the stove, nowadays cook chestnuts There are different methods used for ChestnutYou can boil it in water, you can cook it on embers, in the oven or in a pot. Microwave or steam cooking is also a method.

I choose the easiest and cooking chestnuts in the ovenI'm giving you the recipe. You can find out how to do other methods by searching the internet.

Chestnut recipe in the oven; 

  • chestnuts scratch with a knife. Baking tray with greaseproof paper chestnuts directory.
  • Roast at 20 degrees for 30-200 minutes. chestnuts You'll know it's cooked when the crusts crack and turn golden.
  • Take it out of the oven and let it cool for a few minutes, eat it while it's still hot so it tastes best.

In some cuisines around the world ChestnutIt is crushed or crumbled and sprinkled on meat dishes and salads. 

ChestnutIt is also made from chestnut sugar. One of the distinguished tastes of Bursa candied chestnutIf you have the opportunity, eat on the spot in Bursa.

ChestnutFlour is also made by grinding. Because it's gluten free chestnut flour It is an alternative for those who cannot eat gluten, which they can use instead of white flour in recipes.

Do not eat chestnuts uncooked because the shell contains a plant compound such as tannic acid that has adverse health effects.

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What are the harms of chestnut?

Chestnutmay cause severe allergic reactions. People with nut allergies usually ChestnutHe also has allergies.

Chestnut allergy causes symptoms such as itching, swelling, wheezing and redness. Chestnut If you experience any of these symptoms after eating, stop eating and go to the hospital.

As we said above, ChestnutIt is a useful food for diabetics as it provides blood sugar control. But if you overeat, you lose that control. Overeating chestnutscan cause unwanted spikes in blood sugar.

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