Benefits, Harm and Nutritional Value of Hazelnut

Hazelnut, Corylus It is a type of nut that comes from the tree. Mostly Turkey, Italy, Spain and the United States are grown. 

HazelnutLike other nuts, it is rich in nutrients and has high protein, fat, vitamin and mineral content. 

In the article "What is hazelnuts for?" subject titles will be mentioned.

Hazelnut Nutritional Content and Vitamin Value

Hazelnut It has an important nutritional profile. Although it's high in calories, it contains nutrients and healthy fats.

28 grams or about 20 pieces carbohydrate, protein and calorie value of hazelnuts is as follows:

Calories: 176

Total fat: 17 grams

Protein: 4,2 grams

Carbs: 4.7 grams

Fiber: 2,7 grams

Vitamin E: 21% of the RDI

Thiamine: 12% of the RDI

Magnesium: 12% of the RDI

Copper: 24% of the RDI

Manganese: 87% of the RDI

HazelnutThere is a good amount of vitamin B6, folate, phosphorus, potassium and zinc. In addition to these, it is a rich source of mono and polyunsaturated fats and oleic acid It contains good amounts of omega 6 and omega 9 fatty acids.

Also, a 28-gram serving provides 11.2 grams of dietary fiber, which accounts for 11% of the RDI. 

However, it prevents the absorption of some minerals such as nuts, iron, and zinc. phytic acid It contains.

What Are the Benefits of Eating Hazelnuts?

Contains high levels of antioxidants

Hazelnut Provides significant amounts of antioxidants. Antioxidants protect the body from oxidative stress. 

Oxidative stress can damage cell structure and promote aging, cancer, and heart disease.

HazelnutThe most abundant antioxidants in the country are known as phenolic compounds. They have been proven to help reduce blood cholesterol and inflammation. They are also useful for heart health and protection against cancer.

In an 8-week study, eating nuts and not eating compared, hazelnut It has been reported that eating significantly reduces the oxidative stress level.

Is healthy for the heart

Hazelnut It is stated that eating protects the heart. HazelnutIt contains a high concentration of antioxidants and healthy fats, which can increase the antioxidant potential and lower cholesterol levels in the blood.

One month study reduced 18-20% of daily cholesterol consumption hazelnutobserved 21 people with high cholesterol levels consuming tan. The results showed that cholesterol, triglyceride and bad LDL cholesterol levels were reduced.

Participants improved markers of arterial health and inflammation in the blood. 

Also, a review of over 400 studies of over XNUMX, while good HDL cholesterol and triglycerides remain unchanged. hazelnut those who consumed saw a reduction in bad LDL and total cholesterol levels.

Other studies have shown similar effects on heart health; the results are lower blood fat levels and increased Vitamin E show the levels.

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The second reason to use the hazelnutThe high content of fatty acids, dietary fiber, antioxidants, potassium and magnesium in the blood pressure can return to normal.

Overall, 29 to 69 grams per day eating nutsimproved heart health parameters.

Reduces cancer risk

HazelnutThe high concentrations of antioxidant compounds, vitamins and minerals in jewelry give them their anti-cancer properties.

Walnut ve pistachios such as among other nuts hazelnutIt has the highest concentration of an antioxidant category known as proanthocyanidin.

Some test tubes and animal studies have shown that proanthocyanidins can help prevent and treat some types of cancer.

They are thought to protect against oxidative stress and enzyme regulating properties.

In addition, hazelnut It is rich in vitamin E, making it another powerful antioxidant that provides possible protection against cancer-causing or promoting cell damage.

Several test tube studies nut extractshowed that cervical, liver, breast and colon cancer may be beneficial.

Hazelnut Since many studies investigating its benefits against cancer development have been done in test tubes and animals, more studies need to be done in humans.

Reduces inflammation

Hazelnutis linked to decreased inflammatory markers due to high concentrations of healthy fats. 

One study investigated how nuts affected inflammatory markers, such as high-sensitivity C-reactive protein, in 21 people with high cholesterol levels.

Participants experienced significant reductions in inflammation over the four weeks after the diet, where hazelnuts accounted for 18-20% of total calorie intake.

Moreover, 12 grams every day for 60 weeks eating nutshelped reduce inflammatory markers in overweight and obese people.

Helps balance blood sugar

Nuts such as almonds and walnuts are said to help lower blood sugar levels. 

Although not much hazelnut Research is being conducted on its effect on blood sugar levels.

In a study, hazelnutIts effect on fasting blood glucose levels in 48 people with diabetes was investigated. About half hazelnuts While consuming it as a snack, the others served as a control group.

Eight weeks later hazelnut There was no significant decrease in fasting blood glucose levels in the group.

However, another study gave 50 people with metabolic syndrome a combination of 30 grams of mixed nuts - 15 grams of walnuts, 7.5 grams of almonds, and 7.5 grams of hazelnuts. After 12 weeks, the results showed a significant reduction in fasting insulin levels.

In addition, hazelnut oleic acid, the main fatty acid, is known to have beneficial effects on insulin sensitivity. 

A two-month study found that a diet rich in oleic acid significantly lowered fasting blood sugar and insulin levels in 2 people with type 11 diabetes.

Benefits of hazelnuts to the brain

Hazelnutshould be seen as a powerhouse that strengthens the brain. It is full of elements that can improve the brain and cognitive function and help prevent degenerative diseases later in life. 

Due to its high levels of vitamin E, manganese, thiamine, folate, and fatty acids, it slows down cognitive decline and also plays an important role in the prevention and treatment of mental illnesses such as Alzheimer's, dementia, and Parkinson's.

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Thiamine is commonly referred to as the "nerve vitamin" and plays a role in nerve function throughout the body, which plays a key role in cognitive function.

This is why thiamine deficiency can damage the brain. High fatty acids and protein levels help the nervous system fight depression.

It helps strengthen the muscles

HazelnutThe magnesium in the water plays a vital role in maintaining a healthy flow of calcium to body cells. Thus, by helping the muscles to contract, it prevents overstressing. 

This, in turn, reduces muscle tension and prevents muscle fatigue, spasm, cramps and pain. Studies show that a good dose of magnesium can really help strengthen muscles.

Good for constipation

As a rich source of fiber hazelnutmaintains bowel movements. It binds with feces, loosening it and thus preventing constipation.

Benefits for joint and bone health

Along with calcium, magnesium is essential for the health of bones and joints. The extra magnesium stored in the bones comes to the rescue when there is a sudden deficiency in this mineral. 

Also The Turkish hazelnutis a mineral that is crucial for bone growth and strength manganese It contains. 

Improves the health of the nervous system

Vitamin B6 is essential for amino acids to function properly. Amino acids play a regulatory role in maintaining the health of the nervous system. 

It is known that vitamin B6 deficiency inhibits the synthesis of myelin [the nerve insulating sheath responsible for the efficiency and speed of electrical impulses], which is necessary for the optimal functioning of the nervous system.

Vitamin B6 is also essential for the correct production of various neurotransmitters, including epinephrine, melatonin, and serotonin.

Supports immunity

HazelnutContains a variety of nutrients, including minerals such as calcium, potassium, manganese, and magnesium. All these nutrients are necessary to ensure unimpeded blood flow in the body.

When blood flows unhindered into the body, immunity increases. This prevents various unwanted health conditions.

It prevents stress and depression

Hazelnutcontains a good amount of alpha-linolenic acid along with omega 3 fatty acids. Along with B vitamins, these elements play an effective role in preventing and alleviating various psychological conditions, including anxiety, stress, depression, and even schizophrenia. 

These elements also strengthen memory and play an important role in the synthesis of neurotransmitters such as serotonin. 

It is beneficial for menstrual cramps

HazelnutIt is rich in magnesium, vitamin E, calcium and other nutrients. These elements are known to have a positive effect in relieving cramps.

Benefits of Hazelnut During Pregnancy

Proper nutrition during pregnancy is essential to maintain the health of both the mother and the baby. HazelnutContains a variety of nutrients, including iron and calcium, which are essential for a good pregnancy. 

Benefits of Hazelnut to Skin

Helps delay aging

One cup of hazelnut meets approximately 86% of the daily vitamin E requirement. It also contains vitamin A and vitamin C, two powerful antioxidants.

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The synergistic effect of these vitamins prevents the formation of fine lines and wrinkles on the skin, delaying the early onset of signs of aging.

Keeps the skin moist

Hazelnut Its vitamin E content helps moisturize the skin. It keeps the skin soft and smooth. 

Protects the skin from harsh UV rays

Hazelnut oil can be applied to the skin. This will act as a natural sunscreen protecting from the harmful effects of intense UV rays.

Mix a few drops of sesame, avocado, walnut and hazelnut oils and apply this mixture on your skin daily to protect it from UV rays.

Keeps skin healthy and fresh

Full of antioxidants hazelnutplays a vital role in keeping the skin looking healthier. Antioxidants fight free radicals that can damage the skin. It also protects the skin from skin cancer caused by UVA / UVB rays. 

Together with antioxidants, flavonoids stimulate the regeneration of skin cells. This will eliminate dead cells and provide visibly healthier and younger looking skin.

Benefits of Hazelnut to Hair

Extends the life of colored hair

Hazelnutis used as a natural ingredient of various coloring agents. In addition to giving the hair a delicious brown tone, hazelnuts also make the color last longer.

Strengthens the hair

Hazelnut oil It can be used in daily hair care routine. Apply a little on the scalp and hair and massage for a few minutes.

Leave it on overnight and wash it off the next day. Use a mild shampoo. This will help strengthen the hair from the roots.

Does Hazelnut Weaken?

Hazelnut It is an effective food in giving clio because it helps speed up metabolism. The thiamine it contains helps convert carbohydrates into glucose, the energy source the body uses to work.

Thiamine also plays a role in the production of new red blood cells, which are essential in maintaining energy.

Hazelnut Its high protein, fiber and high fat content provides satiety, which prevents overeating and keeps you full for longer. These are the factors that play an important role in slimming.

What are the harms of eating a lot of hazelnuts?

Hazelnut It is a healthy food and most people can safely consume it. However, it may cause unwanted reactions in some people, hazelnut allergies may occur.

Hazelnut Allergy

Hazelnut allergy May cause serious, sometimes life-threatening reactions. People who are allergic to other nuts such as Brazil nuts, macadamia, nut allergywhat is more prone.

HazelnutIt's a super food. Who doesn't love this superfood?

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