What is BPA? What are the harmful effects of BPA? Where is BPA Used?

BPA (Bisphenol A) is a chemical widely used in plastic production and is frequently encountered in industrial products and daily life. However, research in recent years shows that BPA may have negative effects on health. Based on this, in our article "What is BPA?" and we will talk about the harmful effects of BPA and how we can protect ourselves from this chemical.

What is BPA?

BPA is the abbreviation for Bisphenol-A. This chemical is a commonly used ingredient in plastic production. It is found in many products such as plastic water bottles, lids, food storage containers, and cans. It is also used in making some invoices, receipts and thermal labels.

Research on the harmful effects of BPA reveals alarming results. BPA can negatively affect the hormonal system. In particular, it can interfere with the functioning of the estrogen hormone. This causes many health problems, as we will discuss in the following sections of our article.

what is bpa
What is BPA?

What Does BPA Free Mean?

Since it is known that BPA can cause some health problems, manufacturers avoid using BPA in plastic products. “BPA Free” means that these products do not contain BPA.

In recent years, the production and consumption of BPA-free products has increased. Products bearing the BPA Free label are generally made of non-plastic materials such as paper products, glass products, stainless steel products.

This means that products bearing the “BPA Free” label do not contain BPA and are free from potential health risks. By choosing such products, we can protect our health and avoid the negative effects of plastic products.

Where is BPA Used?

BPA (Bisphenol A) has a wide range of applications in many industries. The usage areas of BPA are as follows;

Plastic products

BPA is used as an additive in the production of plastics. As a component found primarily in polycarbonate plastics, it is used in the production of many plastic products such as bottles, containers, storage boxes, baby bottles and pacifiers.

Food and beverage packaging

BPA is a frequently used ingredient in food and beverage packaging. Plastic packaging, which is preferred as an alternative to glass and metal packaging, may contain BPA. BPA can be found especially in products such as cans and water bottles.

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Electronic products

BPA is also a component used in the production of electronic and electrical products. BPA can be found especially in plastic components of computer cases, keyboards, mice, cell phones and other electronic devices.

medical supplies

BPA is also used in the production of some medical materials. For example, medical devices, catheters and some medication bottles may contain BPA.

Dental and oral care products

BPA can be found in some toothpastes and oral care products.

Due to these wide application areas, we can say that BPA is a compound that we frequently come into contact with in our daily lives.

List of Products Containing BPA

Common products that may contain BPA include:

  • Products packaged in plastic boxes
  • Plastic water bottles and caps
  • plastic feeding bottles
  • Plastic storage containers and lids
  • plastic straw
  • plastic food containers
  • Plastic fork, knife spoon
  • Plastic cup
  • plastic storage bags
  • plastic lunch boxes
  • Plastic freezer bags
  • plastic coffee filters
  • plastic kitchen utensils
  • plastic toys
  • plastic chairs
  • plastic tablecloths
  • plastic cosmetic bottles
  • Plastic tablet and phone cases
  • plastic gloves
  • Canned Food
  • Toiletries
  • dental hygiene products
  • Thermal printer receipts
  • CDs and DVDs
  • home electronics
  • eyeglass lenses
  • Sports equipment
  • dental sealants 

What are the Loss of BPA?

BPA substance enters the human body through nutrition. This is because when making containers containing BPA, not all BPA is sealed into the product. This means; Some of the BPA is released after food or liquids are added and mixes with the contents of the container.

Research on this subject has revealed many harms of exposure to BPA. Let's list the harms of BPA as follows:

1.Endocrine disrupting effect

BPA can negatively affect the endocrine system and cause hormonal imbalances.

2. Fertility problems

Long-term exposure to BPA can affect both male and female fertility and reduce reproductive ability.

3.Diabetes risk

Some research shows links between BPA and high blood sugar and diabetes risk.

4.Relationship with cancer

It is thought that BPA may increase the risk of cancer, especially it is considered a risk factor for breast, prostate and ovarian cancer.

5.Neurological effects

BPA can have negative effects on the nervous system and negatively affect brain development.

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6.Cardiovascular diseases

BPA use, heart disease and hypertension It has been associated with cardiovascular diseases such as

7.Risk of metabolic syndrome

It is thought that BPA may have an effect on the development of metabolic syndrome. This is associated with obesity, high blood pressure and abnormalities in blood lipid levels.

8.Asthma and allergic reactions

BPA exposure, asthma and may increase the risk of other allergic reactions.

9. Effects on child development

BPA has long-term effects on children and can cause early hormonal changes, behavioral problems, and delays in mental development.

How to Remove BPA from the Body?

BPA is a chemical that has negative effects on our health. Therefore, it is important to avoid the use of products containing BPA. It can be found on the inside surfaces of food storage containers, plastic bottles, cans, and even some cans. Some studies show that BPA may have negative effects on human health. Therefore, it is important to know how BPA can be eliminated from the body.

There are some natural methods to remove BPA from the body. By applying these methods, you can reduce BPA levels and protect your health.

  • Detox: Detoxification is a method used to clear toxins from the body. Green tea to remove BPA from the body, sage You can consume foods rich in powerful antioxidants such as turmeric and turmeric. You can also remove toxins from the body by drinking plenty of water.
  • Take care of healthy eating: By reviewing your eating habits, you can reduce the risk of exposure to foods and beverages containing BPA. Choose fresh and organic foods. Try to reduce canned foods and drinks in plastic bottles as much as possible. Also, use glass or stainless steel containers instead of plastic containers that contain BPA.
  • Reduce stress: Research shows that stress can affect the removal of toxins from the body. You can use stress management techniques to reduce BPA levels. You can try relaxation techniques such as meditation, yoga or deep breathing. Additionally, regular exercise also helps reduce stress.

How to Avoid BPA?

It is necessary to stay away from BPA as it can have negative effects on our health. While it's impossible to avoid everything, you can minimize BPA exposure. So, how can we stay away from BPA? Here are some tips.

  • Get to know products containing BPA

Recognizing products that contain BPA will help you avoid them. For this, read the labels carefully. Plastic products often have the phrase "BPA-free" or "BPA free" on the bottom. Additionally, plastic products intended for industrial use may have higher BPA content, so it is important to avoid such products.

  • Reduce plastic use
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Many plastic products or packaging contain BPA. Therefore, reducing plastic materials can prevent BPA from entering your body. For example, you can use fabric bags instead of plastic bags whenever possible for your grocery shopping. You can also choose glass or stainless steel bottles instead of plastic bottles.

  • Avoid cans and canned goods

Some cans and canned goods contain BPA. This is because BPA is used in the adhesives of cans. Therefore, choosing fresh and natural products whenever possible will help you avoid BPA.

  • Be careful with heat

Plastic products can release BPA when exposed to heat. Therefore, you need to be careful when placing your plastic containers or bowls in the microwave or in hot liquid. To prevent the release of BPA, use glass or ceramic containers.

  • Cook your meals at home 

The risk of BPA may be higher in restaurants and packaged foods. You can reduce this risk by cooking at home.

  • Be selective with toys

Make sure the plastic toys you buy for your child are made from a BPA-free material.

As a result;

Findings regarding the health hazards of BPA raise serious concerns. It has been observed that this chemical substance can negatively affect the development of children and disrupt the hormone balance. In addition, it is known that BPA can increase the risk of cancer and have negative effects on the reproductive system. Therefore, it is important to reduce BPA exposure as much as possible. It is necessary to be more careful in the selection and use of plastic products, to turn to BPA-free alternatives, and to follow new and reliable research to protect our health as conscious consumers. 

References: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

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