What Causes Nasal Congestion? How to Open a Stuffy Nose?

You feel sick and have a fever. If you can't breathe easily. Your appetite is gone. These are the symptoms I listed nasal congestionpertaining to the common cold. The common cold starts with these symptoms.

Nasal obstruction It is very common and appears more often with the approach of cold weather. It usually goes away with home treatments, but rarely turns into a serious problem. In such cases, a doctor's control is required.

Nasal obstructionLet's not take it too simplistic. Babies and children can have a hard time until they pass.

nasal unblocking methods

It is mostly treated with simple methods at home. You tooHow to clear nasal congestion? If you are wondering, you are in the right place. Things to know about it natural solution to nasal congestion, things that are good for nasal congestion, ways to relieve nasal congestionwill be mentioned in our article. 

What is a stuffy nose?

When the blood vessels in the nose become inflamed and the nasal tissues swell nasal congestion occurs. As a result, excess mucus is produced.

Nasal obstruction often triggered by illnesses such as colds, flu, allergies, or sinus infections.

Causes of nasal congestion

Due to diseases such as colds, flu, sinusitis, seasonal allergies nasal congestion may occur.

Such diseases usually resolve within a week. Long-term nasal congestion If you are experiencing this, it is usually caused by:

  • Allergies (dairy, gluten, sugar)
  • Hay fever (pollen, grass, dust)
  • Nasal polyps (benign or non-cancerous growths in the nasal passage)
  • chemicals
  • Environmental irritants
  • chronic sinusitis
  • Nose curvature
  • Yeast growth

What are the symptoms of nasal congestion?

Nasal obstruction It may not be a serious condition according to the medical literature, but it interferes with your daily work. It manifests itself with some symptoms;

  • Runny nose
  • sinus pain
  • mucus buildup
  • swelling of the nasal tissue

In newborn baby nasal congestion it could be. It may even last up to a month. Sneezing may also accompany congestion. 

Babies nasal congestion It may also cause problems with feeding. These are the usual symptoms that can be seen in babies.

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How to Eliminate Nasal Congestion?

stuffy nosemeans having trouble breathing and therefore feeling bad. Nasal congestion treatment There are simple methods you can apply at home.

What to do for nasal congestion? 

  • Have a shower

a hot shower, nasal congestionhelps to reduce the The steam from the shower drains mucus from the nose, making it easier to breathe. Although it is not a permanent solution, it will provide temporary relief. 

  • Unblocking the nose with salt water

Salt water reduces tissue inflammation and congestion in the nose. You can make salt water yourself at home or buy it as a ready-made spray and use it.

  • clearing the sinuses

There are products on the market that can be used to clear the sinuses. These are used to clear the nasal passages of mucus.

  • Fomentation

Hot compress relieves the feeling of not being able to breathe in the nose by reducing sinus congestion. You can apply it to your face by warming a towel or putting hot water in a water bag. Don't get it hot enough to burn your skin.

  • Allergy medication use

In some cases, nasal congestion caused by an allergic reaction. Allergy medications contain an antihistamine that blocks this reaction.

You should also know that there are side effects when using allergy medications. Some allergy medications can cause drowsiness, so do not drive while taking these medications. 

  • Decongestant use

Decongestants refer to a broad class of drugs used to relieve nasal congestion. It causes the small blood vessels in the nose to narrow.

The narrowing reduces swelling and congestion in the nasal lining. Decongestants are available in pill form and in nasal spray form. The stomach needs to absorb the pills, it acts faster because there is no such thing in the nasal spray.

Those with high blood pressure should consult a doctor before using decongestants. Side effects include speeding up the heartbeat, headache and dry mouth. Decongestants in the form of sprays can cause burning and sneezing in the nose.

  • Use of air humidifier

The humid environment you are in thins the mucus in the nose. This makes it easier for mucus to come out and also reduces inflammation of the mucous membranes in the nose.

  • Drinking water

drinking enough water always important; nasal congestion situation is even more important. Humidification of the body thins the mucus in the nasal passages and reduces pressure in the sinuses, helping to push fluid out of the nose. When the pressure is reduced, there will be less inflammation and irritation. 

  • Apple cider vinegar

Add a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar to a glass of warm water. Mix well and drink the mixture. You can drink this once or twice a day.

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Apple cider vinegar, relieving nasal congestionContains acetic acid and potassium that can help Potassium thins mucus; acetic acid fights microbial infections that cause congestion.

  • Mint tea

Add 8-10 mint leaves to a glass of water and bring to a boil. Boil for five to ten minutes and strain. You can drink mint tea once or twice a day.

Naneacts as a nasal decongestant due to its anti-inflammatory properties and nasal congestionContains menthol, which helps to lighten the skin.

  • Eucalyptus oil

Eucalyptus oil is made from the leaves of the eucalyptus tree. This oil is due to its healing properties. solution for nasal congestion can be used as.

Inhaling the oil reduces the inflammation of the nasal lining, making it easier to breathe. Add a few drops of eucalyptus oil to a boiling pot and inhale the steam.

  • Thyme oil

Add six to seven drops of oregano oil to a bowl of hot water. Lean over the bowl and cover your head with a towel. Inhale the steam. You can do this when your nose is blocked.

Thyme oilIt fights infections because it contains thymol, a powerful antimicrobial agent. It is anti-inflammatory, therefore it reduces the inflammation of the nose.

  • Rosemary oil

Rosemary oil It is also used like thyme oil. Put a few drops of rosemary oil in a bowl filled with hot water. Inhale the steam. Cover your head with a blanket or towel to prevent steam from escaping. Do this once a day until your symptoms subside.

It contains components such as rosemary, camphor and cineole (eucalyptol). These compounds help relieve cough and cold symptoms due to their anti-inflammatory properties.

  • Coconut oil

Heat a teaspoon of cold-pressed coconut oil. Rub warm coconut oil on both sides of your nose. You can do this two to three times a day. Coconut oilApplying to the nose relieves congestion. 

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The harms of eating garlic

  • Garlic

At least two teeth a day to quickly relieve postnasal drip sarımsak Consume.

  • Onion

smelling a peeled onion for 5 minutes, nasal congestionIt is effective in removing the pain and facilitates breathing.

  • Ginger

Ginger, nasal congestionIt is very effective in opening. To make a compress, slice a ginger root and boil it in two glasses of water for about 15 minutes. Soak a clean cloth in this water and gently put it on your face for 15 minutes.

  • hot soups

liquids, stuffy nose It's a great solution to open. The most useful is hot chicken soup. 

nasal congestion herbal

Nasal congestion complications

Nasal obstruction If you are experiencing it, it may be accompanied by other symptoms. sneezing and runny nose It is seen. Nasal obstruction It can cause headaches in some people.

Although it is disturbing, nasal congestion In most cases it is nothing to worry about. Still, it's best to go to a doctor.

The time it takes for symptoms to improve depends on the cause, but the blockage will heal after about 10 days. If symptoms persist for more than 10 days, it's time to see a doctor.

Nasal congestion complications develops depending on the cause. If the stuffy nose is caused by a viral infection, possible complications include ear infection, bronchitis and sinusitis.

The following symptoms nasal congestionIt is an indication of a more serious condition. Nasal obstruction If you have these together, you should definitely go to the doctor.

Green mucus flowing from the nose

Facial pain

Pain in the ear

- Headache

- Fire


Chest tightness

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