42 Simple Ways to Lose Weight Fast and Permanently

Do you want to lose weight fast and permanently? Losing weight permanently is okay, but losing 3-5 kilos a week does not mean to lose weight fast. If you have such an intention, I suggest you first change your perception about losing weight fast. Because this is technically not possible.

Let us explain what this means as follows: In order for a woman to maintain her current weight, she needs to take an average of 2000 calories per day. (This value varies from person to person) This figure reaches 2500 calories in men. 

Let's continue with the women. Let's say you are on a 1200 calorie diet. (Experts do not recommend diets below 1200 calories.) Let's add a 200-calorie sports activity to this. You burn 800+200=1000 calories per day. This is 7000 calories per week and 7000 calories means you will lose an average of 1 kilogram.

The above calculation was made on healthy values. If you push yourself too hard, you'll burn 500 more calories a day, which means you'll lose 1,5kg per week. Above that is impossible.

“There are diet lists that claim to lose 3-5 or 10 kg a week. Some may say that they try them and say that they lose weight in a short time. Never forget that; The body is very adept at replacing what it has lost. One day, before you realize it, the values ​​on the scale will go up. In other words, the body replaces the lost water.

My advice to you is to set a weight loss target of half, at most, one kg per week. This may take time, but when you reach the desired weight, you will still be a healthy person. You will also be successful in maintaining weight, which is the most difficult process after losing weight. So you are permanently weakened.

lose weight fast
What should I do to lose weight fast?

How much weight should I lose in 1 week?

According to many experts, losing 0,50-1 kg per week is a healthy and safe rate. Losing more than that is considered too fast. Many health problems can occur, including muscle wasting, gallstones, nutritional deficiencies, and decreased metabolism. Weight loss of more than 1-2 kilograms per week is called rapid weight loss.

Losing weight depends on some factors such as age, weight, height, medications, medical history, genes. In the first week of your weight loss journey, you will lose a lot of water and you will be losing weight fast.

Proven Methods to Lose Weight Fast and Permanently

  • Mentally prepare yourself

Everything starts with the mind. Before taking steps to lose weight, it is necessary to decide on this. Evaluate yourself and decide how much weight you should lose.

  • Set realistic goals

Deciding how much and how to lose weight is more important than you think. Setting a goal of "I will lose 1 kg in 10 month" is unrealistic. It is detrimental in the long run and will bring you back without even realizing it. It is a simple way of losing weight to start by setting small goals that you will grow as time goes on. For example; It's like getting into a dress you like.

  • Focus on diet

To lose weight calorie deficit You have to create, and for that you have to diet. 80% of the success of losing weight is through applying the right diet program. The role of exercise in losing weight is 20%. For this reason, you cannot think that "I will eat what I want and then I will burn by exercising". One of the effective ways to lose weight is to create a healthy diet program.

  • Identify foods that will help you lose weight
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Cut the others out of your life and your fridge. You can use alternatives instead of foods and drinks that you cannot give up. For example; If you are someone who drinks a lot of coffee or tea, try drinking water instead.

  • Watch what you eat

Keep a food diary and write down what you eat and drink. You will start to realize for yourself what you need to consume or change after a certain period of time. In this way, you will understand the characteristics of the food around you and learn to distinguish between good and bad.

  • Change the way you eat

You can try some simple tricks at home as natural weight loss ways to achieve your weight loss dreams faster. What are these?

For lots of water. This keeps you full.

Have plenty of fruit, vegetables, and fiber-rich foods at home. When you want to snack in the evening, you eat these instead of chips.

When you eat is just as important as what you eat. Don't have dinner at 11 am. It is necessary to finish the dinner at least two hours before going to sleep.

Eat on small plates. Putting a small amount of food on a large plate makes you feel hungry. But the same amount on a smaller plate will leave you satisfied.

For an after-dinner dessert crunch, sweeten fruit with honey and sprinkle with a pinch of cinnamon.

  • Eat a serving of fruit and drink two glasses of water before each meal

This method is a guaranteed way to avoid overeating. Because it will make you feel happy before you start eating. Studies have determined that by doing this, you will get 135 calories less per day.

  • Choose fiber and protein with every meal

Drink water along with the fiber and protein you will eat at every meal. Since the fibers will swell in the stomach, it will provide you with a feeling of fullness for a longer time. 30% of your diet menu should consist of protein. Protein keeps you full for a long time, just like fiber foods.

  • Do not skip meals

One of the biggest mistakes made when trying to lose weight is skipping meals. It is also the number one reason for reverting to discouraging and unhealthy habits.

Skipping a meal may make the scale pointer move down, but this is only temporary. When you start skipping meals, your body goes into starvation mode. You may think you can go on like this, but you can't. Eventually you lose control.

  • Do not overdo it

Whatever you do, balance is required. This is also the case when trying to lose weight. Yes, it is important to avoid unhealthy foods. However, that doesn't mean you have to completely forget about your favorite cake.

As long as you pay attention to your eating habits, you can reward yourself, sometimes once a month. Too much restriction can cause you to abandon the diet altogether.

  • If you have a craving for food between meals, pass it off.

This request is a situation that occurs in your mind and has nothing to do with your stomach. Such requests will pass in a maximum of 20 minutes. Watch television, play games on the computer, so distract yourself so that your desire is lost.

  • Avoid sweeteners

Sweeteners increase insulin levels and make you crave food. So stay away from diet drinks that contain sweeteners.

  • Eat at home as much as possible

Eating at home is always the healthiest. You make sure we use healthy ingredients and if necessary we can customize your diet to your needs.

  • For water

One of the practical ways to lose weight is to drink plenty of water. Thirst is often confused with hunger. It also helps to flush out toxins.

  • Eat more
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Remember, you need calories to burn calories. If you starve for a long time, the body slows down to burn fewer calories. So you can snack between meals. Of course, provided that they are healthy and low-calorie foods (such as cucumber, yogurt)

  • Stop eating emotional

Do not attack to eat when you are happy, angry, or upset. You have to control the pressure of your emotions on the desire to eat.

  • Customize your diet

There is no one-size-fits-all diet in the world. Everyone's body structure and weight loss goals are different. Therefore, customize your diet program according to your needs and requirements.

  • Don't skip breakfast

The reason for nighttime stomach scrapes and attacks on eating is largely due to not having breakfast. Eat breakfast properly to maintain energy level and not attack eating.

  • Consume small portions

Dietitians say that the most effective ways to lose weight is to eat small portions. When you eat small portions spread throughout the day, the calories are evenly distributed. This ensures that you get the same amount of calories at every meal.

  • Establish an eating pattern

Eating and sleeping at the same time every day ensures that the body maintains its internal clock. Eating at the same time also keeps blood sugar levels stable.

  • Eat in color

Your diet should include a variety of vegetables. The red colored ones are the ones that need special attention. Coloring what you eat will allow you to consume less sugary foods and drinks, thus keeping you away from empty calories.

  • Move

Physical activities that occur spontaneously during the day allow you to burn extra calories. Be active while doing your daily work. Walk everywhere as possible. Take the stairs instead of the elevator.

  • Work your muscles

Even if you sit, the more muscles you work, the more calories you burn. The muscles that will allow you to burn the most fat are the calf, hip and chest muscles. You can do simple exercises to work these muscles.

  • Increase power

If you are doing sports or exercising, increase the dose and intensity of the sport to burn excess calories. For example; Increasing the treadmill will burn an extra 50 calories.

  • Climb the stairs

Use stairs instead of elevators. Especially if you climb the steps by two, you will burn 55 percent more fat.

  • Do different exercises

If you combine cardiovascular exercise with strength training, you will burn twice as many calories. You can start with cardiovascular exercise, continue with strengthening exercise, and finish with cardiovascular exercise.

  • Do housework

Did you know that housework burns calories? One hour of dusting, mopping the floors, and sweeping will burn 200 calories.

  • Change your posture

Do not lie where you can sit, do not sit where you can stand. Maintain an upright posture in all situations. All these postures are activities that work your muscles and allow you to burn calories.

  • Be motivated

This is perhaps the hardest part of the job. It's easy to get started, but it's hard to keep going and staying motivated to do it.

Remind yourself of the benefits you will gain as you continue to lose weight. Read weight loss stories. Think about how your life will change after losing weight.

The key word in the slimming process motivationStop. When you motivate yourself, it becomes easier to do what needs to be done.

  • Get support from your friends

If you have a close friend who is trying to lose weight, cooperate with him. In this way, you will not lose your motivation and you can continue your way more comfortably.

  • Change the way you think
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Change the way you look at the process. Instead of thinking about how much weight you should lose, think about how much weight you've lost. Focus on what you have achieved and it motivates you to do more.

  • Reward yourself

Every time you reach a milestone, gift yourself something. Let this be a non-food reward. From time to time rewarding yourself for achieving your goals motivates you to achieve even more.

  • Tell everyone that you are trying to lose weight

Tell all the important people in your life that you are trying to lose weight. Some may mock, some laugh, and some encourage. However, in the end, everyone will provoke you in a way that motivates you to continue.

  • Chew sugar-free gum while preparing food

Dealing with something while cooking is one of the natural ways to lose weight. Of course, chewing gum must be sugar-free. Chewing gum prevents you from getting too many calories by protecting you from unnecessary snacks.

  • Stay away from stress

Stresscauses you to eat more food than you need. Worst of all, you don't even realize it. Stay away from stress. There are certain ways to achieve this. You can try to breathe deeply, go for a walk, spend time with your friends.

  • Keep yourself busy

Do you know what is the number one reason people gain weight? Boredom. When they get bored, they give themselves to dinner to kill time. How can you prevent this? By keeping yourself busy. Get a new hobby. Do chores, learn a new language.

  • Don't expect immediate results

Don't expect results in a day. Success takes time. Be patient. Focus on the process rather than on the outcome. Try to do better with each passing day.

  • Learn to have fun without food

Food has recently become one of the main sources of entertainment. For this reason, you see that more and more people are obese every year.

When people think of socializing, getting together or preparing a party, the first thing that comes to mind is food. Options usually consist of unhealthy foods. Instead, choose activities such as cycling and hiking.

  • Photograph your progress

Seeing yourself slimming helps you stay motivated. It also gives you an idea of ​​how far you've come.

  • Sleep is very important

One of the healthy ways to lose weight is to pay attention to sleep. The benefits of sleep for weight loss as well as for general health are indisputable. You may think that insomnia will not affect you, but as time passes, you will see its bad effects.

  • Don't go back to your old habits

Do not continue to pursue your lazy habits so that your struggle and all the sacrifices you make do not go to waste. You can erase all your efforts at once.

  • Forgive yourself

Yes, discipline is important. However, this does not mean that you will make yourself suffer. Imagine that you are a human being, that you can make mistakes from time to time. When you make a mistake, continue on your way without losing your calm. Errors are also part of the process.

References: 1

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