Weight Loss Foods – Fast Weight Loss Foods

Weight loss foods will help you burn more calories and will be your biggest helper in the slimming process. While dieting, some foods stand out as weight loss foods. You ask why? Some are low in calories. Some foods also make us eat less because of their satiety feature. 

Eating a few foods is not enough to lose weight in a healthy way. We should eat the combination of foods containing macro and micro nutrients in a balanced distribution. In addition, fiber and protein are two important ingredients that should be present in foods during the slimming process. Because they both hold up. According to these features, you can take a look at the list of weakening foods below.

Weight Loss Foods

weight loss foods
weight loss foods


  • Egg is a food that deserves to be at the top of the list of weight loss foods.
  • It helps to lose weight due to its high protein level.
  • It also contains healthy fats.
  • With these features, it keeps it full for a longer time. 
  • It is also a low calorie food. The calorie of an egg varies between 70-80 calories, depending on its size.
  • Most important of all egg It is a nutritious food. Almost all nutrients are found in the yolk of the egg.

Green leafy vegetables

  • Cabbage, spinach, turnip, spring onion. Green leafy vegetables such as lettuce are weight loss foods. 
  • These vegetables have several properties that help with weight loss. They are low in both calories and carbohydrates and contain high amounts of fiber.
  • Green leafy vegetablesIt provides fewer calories because of its low energy density. 
  • It is nutritious because it contains a wide variety of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. They help burn fat.


  • Salmon Oily fish such as fish are extremely healthy. It helps you feel full for a long time.
  • Salmon contains high quality protein along with healthy fats. It also contains all kinds of nutrients. 
  • In general, fish and seafood contain significant amounts of iodine. This nutrient is necessary for the thyroid to function and is important for maintaining a healthy metabolism. If the thyroid cannot do its job, we encounter many health problems, especially weight problems.
  • Salmon is also effective in reducing inflammation in the body that causes weight gain. Because it provides omega 3 fatty acids that reduce inflammation.
  • Mackerel, trout, sardines, herring and other types of oily fish are also types of fish that appear as weight loss foods.

Cruciferous vegetables

  • Among cruciferous vegetables broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage and brussels sprouts. Like other vegetables, they are high in fiber. It has holding properties. Moreover, such vegetables contain a good amount of protein.
  • With these features, they take their place among the weight loss foods.
  • While they are not as high in protein as animal foods or legumes, they contain a higher percentage of protein than most vegetables.
  • Highly nutritious, cruciferous vegetables also have potential health benefits, such as cancer prevention.

Lean beef and chicken breast

  • Processed meats such as sausage, sausage, salami and bacon are not healthy. It also does not contribute to weight loss.
  • But unprocessed red meat has heart-healthy benefits. 
  • Red meat is also a friendly food for weight loss because it is high in protein.
  • Protein is the most essential nutrient for weight loss. A diet high in protein allows you to burn more calories throughout the day.
  • For this reason, we can include lean beef and chicken among weight loss foods.

Boiled potato

  • White potatoes are actually the last food we can think of among weight loss foods. But since there is such a thing as a potato diet, this food must have properties that help weight loss.
  • Indeed, potato is a healthy and weakening food when cooked with methods such as boiling. It contains every kind of food that the body needs, even if it is small.
  • Boiled potatoes keep you full for a long time and make you eat less.
  • After boiling the potato, let it cool for a while. It will form a large amount of resistant starch after a certain time. Resistant starchIt is a fiber-like substance with benefits such as weight loss.
  • Sweet potatoes, turnips, and other root vegetables have the same effect as white potatoes in this regard.


  • Tuna is another food that is low in calories and high in protein. It is a plain fish, so it does not contain much oil.
  • Tuna is a popular food among bodybuilders and fitness professionals. Because keeping the protein high will reduce the amount of calories and fat.
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  • such as beans, chickpeas, lentils pulse It is among the weight loss foods.
  • These foods are high in protein and fiber, two nutrients that provide satiety. In addition, they support weight loss because they contain resistant starch.


  • Eating foods with low energy density allows you to take fewer calories. Most low-energy-dense foods are foods that contain a lot of water, such as vegetables and fruits.
  • When you drink soup, you get water. 
  • Some studies have determined that drinking soup instead of solid foods helps keep you full and leads to fewer calories.


  • AvokadoAlthough it is high in calories, it is found in weight loss foods. Because some of its features help to lose weight.
  • While most fruits are high in carbohydrates, avocados are high in healthy fats.
  • especially monounsaturated fat oleic acidIt contains a large amount. 
  • Although it is mostly oily, it is not as dense as we think because it contains a lot of water. 
  • It also contains many important nutrients, including fiber and potassium.

Apple cider vinegar

  • Apple cider vinegar makes you lose weight. Many studies have revealed this.
  • Taking apple cider vinegar with a meal high in carbohydrates provides satiety.
  • According to a study of obese people, drinking 12 or 15 mL of apple cider vinegar daily for 30 weeks resulted in weight loss of 2.6-3.7 kg.


  • Despite the high amount of fat hazelnutIt is among the weight loss foods. Because it contains a balanced amount of protein, fiber and healthy fats.
  • Studies have shown that eating nuts improves metabolic health and even aids weight loss.
  • The point to be considered while eating hazelnuts is not to consume excessively. The more the more calories.

Whole grains

  • Cereals are usually the first foods to be removed from the nutrition list in the weight loss process. But there are some types that are healthy and help to lose weight. 
  • Whole grains that provide these properties are rich in fiber and also provide a good protein.
  • For example; oat, brown rice ve quinoa It is a weight loss food. 
  • Oats contain beta-glucan, soluble fiber, which provides satiety and improves metabolic health.
  • Rice, both brown and white, contains significant amounts of resistant starch, especially when allowed to cool after cooking.
  • If you are on a low-carb diet, you should avoid grains because they are high in carbohydrates.


  • Chili pepperIt is useful for losing weight. It contains a substance called capsaicin, which helps to burn fat by reducing appetite. 
  • This item is sold in supplement form. It is a common ingredient found in many commercial weight loss supplements.


  • Fruits, which have all the features of weight loss foods, make it easier to lose weight. 
  • Although it contains sugar, it is low in energy density. 
  • In addition, the fiber in its content helps prevent sugar from spreading too quickly into the bloodstream.


  • Among the fruits that lose weight, the fruit that should be especially emphasized is grapefruit. Because its effects on weight loss have been directly studied. 
  • In a study of 91 obese people, those who ate half a fresh grapefruit before meals lost 12kg of weight over a 1.6-week period.
  • Grapefruit It also resulted in a reduction in insulin resistance.
  • So, eat half a grapefruit half an hour before meals to feel fuller and lower your calorie intake daily.

Chia seeds

  • Chia seeds It contains 30 grams of carbohydrates per 12 grams; this is a pretty high amount. However, 11 grams of this amount is fiber. That's why chia seeds are one of the best sources of fiber.
  • Due to its fiber content, chia seeds can absorb up to 11-12 times its weight in water. It turns into a gel-like substance and expands in the stomach.
  • Some studies have shown that chia seeds help reduce appetite.

Full-fat yogurt

  • Yogurt may improve bowel function probiotic bacteria It contains.
  • Intestinal health potentially helps against leptin resistance and inflammation, the main cause of obesity.
  • Use your preference for full-fat yogurt. That's because studies show that full-fat, not low-fat, yogurt lowers the risk of obesity and type 2 diabetes over time.

Things to Do for Healthy Weight Loss

Excess weight has always been a problem, especially in women. They dream of looking thin on special occasions such as weddings and holidays, or they want to lose weight because of health problems.

Although losing weight is not always an easy thing in every situation, the important thing here is that the weight loss process is healthy. We talked about what weight loss foods are above. Now let's talk about the tricks of healthy weight loss.

We can't lose weight just by eating slimming foods, can we? There are also things to do to lose weight in a healthy way. So what? 

Eat a balanced diet

  • You can lose weight quickly, safely and healthily with a diet program in which macro and micro nutrients are consumed in a balanced way. 
  • Stay away from shock diets in order not to gain back the three kilos you lost as five kilos. 
  • Combine a balanced diet program with a regular exercise program. You can lose weight faster and healthier.
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Avoid processed foods

  • Packaged ready-made diet products, although practical, are not suitable for long-term weight loss. 
  • You do not feel full after eating diet products. 
  • Instead, cheese, which is both healthy and natural, yoghurt, Strawberry Eat foods that are low in calories, such as weight loss foods.

Cut sugar and starch

  • Sugar and starchy foods should not be included in the diet program. So you can lose weight quickly and easily. 
  • Sweet foods and starches stimulate the secretion of insulin, the main fat storage hormone in our body. This causes weight gain rather than weight loss. 
  • When insulin decreases in the blood, the fat in our body is easily burned out of the fat store and burned quickly.
Don't go to bed late

Take an evening walk

  • Prefer evening walks as exercise. 
  • Thus, the metabolism, which slows down in the evening, accelerates. 
  • You will also sleep better at night.


  • Create space for yourself with your daily work. There are many ways to do this. 
  • You can get off the bus one stop in advance and walk to your destination, you can work in the garden or home cleaning You can burn extra calories with.

Do different exercises

  • Trying different types of exercise is also an effective way to lose weight quickly and healthily. 
  • If you don't like working out in the gym, you may want to consider another option, such as team fitness or dance class. 
  • Besides that, you can also do some outdoor activities such as cycling, hiking, which can help the body work better. 
  • Exercising will help you maintain muscle mass as well as lose weight.

Do not over exercise

  • One of the things to do to lose weight is definitely not excessive exercise. 
  • It is wrong to think that doing more exercise will make you lose weight fast. 
  • Exercise is important for weight loss, but experts say too much can backfire. 
  • The diet program should consist of 80% nutrition and 20% exercise.
Eat fruits and vegetables with a high water content
  • If you eat foods rich in water, you will get fewer calories. It will be useful in losing weight. It will also reduce hunger and thirst.
  • Like a research, pumpkin, cucumber and tomato foods with high water contenthas shown to reduce calorie intake.

Don't always eat salad

  • Contrary to popular belief, salad may not be a good option for you. 
  • Salads It cannot help suppress hunger hormones because it does not contain enough carbohydrates.  
  • You can choose a nutritious soup instead of a salad or lentils in greens, chickpeabeans can be added.

Avoid high-calorie nuts

  • Just because a food is healthy doesn't mean you will overeat it. 
  • Eating wholemeal bread instead of white bread, using animal fats instead of vegetable oils, and eating nuts instead of chips are healthy choices. 
  • However, they are not low-calorie changes. Therefore, portion control should be done correctly.

Don't eat early

  • It is true that it should be eaten early in the evening to lose weight. However, you should set your evening meal time according to your bedtime.
  • For example; It is not appropriate for someone to go to bed at 11 at night to have dinner at 6 am. The body needs fuel again. 
  • For this reason, a late dinner can avoid caloric foods that can be eaten at 11 at night.

Don't be alone

  • Studies show that people who are supported by family or friends are easier to lose weight. 
  • Find someone to support yourself. You can also become a member of online forums and lose weight with diet groups.

Do not skip meals
  • The metabolism needs to be fed every 4-5 hours to maintain its functionality. 
  • Therefore, eat every meal, even if it is less than skipping meals.

Make a daily food chart

  • One study found that those who kept a daily chart lost twice as much weight. 
  • According to the researchers, writing down the foods eaten increased the responsibility and the participants therefore cut calories. 
  • Write down what you eat and calories by preparing yourself a daily food chart.

For water

  • Carbonated drinks, ready-made juices increase the daily calorie intake. 
  • Water helps control appetite. 
  • It has been determined that those who drank 2 glasses of water without eating took 90 calories less.

For green tea

  • Experts say that the catechins in green tea speeds up the metabolism says.
  • Drinking green tea daily is beneficial for health as well as helping to lose weight. Because it helps prevent and cure many diseases.

Eat at home

  • Meals you eat out are more caloric than those made at home. 
  • When you eat out, eat half and pack the other half.
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Reduce the amount of fat
  • A healthy diet requires less fat. Correct forms of oils should be preferred. 
  • Reducing fat doesn't mean giving up your favorite foods. You can cook your favorite recipes just by finding new ways.

Check out these tips for reducing fat and fatty foods:

  • Season your meals with spices when you need to use sauces. Sauces are high in calories as well as high in fat. 
  • Instead of using margarine, prefer butter.
  • Try your salad oil-free only lemon dish. 
  • Use yogurt when you need to use sauce or mayonnaise, ketchup.
  • Reduce the amount of saturated fat. For this, choose butter instead of vegetable oil or margarine.
  • Replace your skimmed milk with semi-skimmed or skim milk.
  • When buying red meat, choose lean ones. Even if it is oily, cut off the oily parts after cooking. Clean the skin of poultry before or after cooking.
  • Cook the food you will fry in the oven. Make meat, chicken, fish dishes on a baking tray or grill them.
  • Use a non-stick skillet to avoid using extra oil while cooking.
  • If you need to use eggs, use two egg whites instead of one.

Go to the dietician

  • If you plan to lose excess weight and want someone to control yourself in this process, you can go to a dietician.
  • You will be able to lose weight more comfortably as it will guide you in nutrition and create a control mechanism on you.

Have realistic expectations

  • Let your expectations be realistic. “I want to lose 10 kg a monthIf you set a goal like ” and you put pressure on yourself to lose weight too quickly, your healthy diet plans will fail.
  • Researchers have found that obese people who expect to lose a lot of weight are more likely to quit the healthy diet program within 6-12 months. 
  • Setting a more realistic and achievable goal will help you walk on your path with confident and firm steps without getting discouraged.
Be motivated
  • Make a list of your reasons to remember why you're trying to eat a healthy diet and lose weight, and post it where you can see it at all times. 
  • Look for these when you need motivation.

Keep unhealthy food away from home

  • If you are surrounded by junk food, it will be harder for you to lose weight. 
  • Do not have such foods at home that could hinder your dietary and healthy eating goals.
"Don't say "all or nothing"
  • The biggest obstacle to achieving a healthy diet and lifestyle is black and white thinking. If you overeat at breakfast and deviate from your goals, don't continue to eat unhealthy for the rest of the day, thinking that you missed the point anyway. 
  • You should say "Wherever the loss comes from, it is profit" and try to save the rest of the day.

Carry healthy snacks

  • When you're away from home for long periods of time, it becomes difficult to stick to your diet. 
  • When you get very hungry on the go, keep portable and healthy snacks such as almonds and hazelnuts with you to snack and keep your appetite under control.

Don't let travel get you off the road

Whether you are traveling for business or leisure, being outside of the living area makes it difficult to stick to a healthy lifestyle. For this;

Start the day with a high protein breakfast

  • If your first meal is well-balanced and contains enough protein, you're more likely to keep blood sugar levels stable and not eat much for the rest of the day.
  • In one study, overweight women who consumed at least 30 grams of protein for breakfast ate fewer calories at lunch than those who ate a low-protein breakfast.
  • Don't skip breakfast to save time.
Know that it will take time to change your habits
  • Don't be discouraged if it takes longer than expected to adjust to your new, healthy lifestyle. 
  • Researchers have found that it takes an average of 66 days to make a new behavior a habit. Eventually, healthy dieting and regular exercise will become automatic.

It is not easy to break habits and eat a healthy diet and lose weight. Along with eating weight-loss foods, pay attention to what needs to be done to lose weight in a healthy way. If you're trying to lose weight, make the lifestyle changes above a habit.

References: 1, 2

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